Life is busy. You are busy. There are so many more things to spend your free time on than cleaning. Give your loved ones the time they deserve. Give yourself the time you deserve.

Your house will be cleaned the way you want, every time.

We’ve been providing professional home cleaning for more than 5 years. We take pride in our work. We are super thorough, quick, and detail oriented. We want to do a great job for you so you’ll refer us to your friends. Choose from weekly, every other week, monthly or one time, whatever works for you. Each home and client is unique so we’ll customize the cleaning for your home. Tell us what your priorities are, problem areas, concerns, and basically how you like things done. We can clean based on a to-do list (with an estimated finish time) or based on a time limit, so you can choose how much you want to pay.

Give us a try. Cross it off your list. We promise you’ll be glad you did! Our clients are always smiling when they see their bright and shining home!
or call Becky @ 801.884.9132

Scrub & sanitize sink, counters & backsplashes.  Clean stove, oven, fridge, microwave inside and out, appliances, cabinets, table & chairs.  Sweep and hand mop floors & baseboards. 

Scrub & sanitize counters, sinks, tub, shower & toilet.  Clean mirrors, vanities & backsplashes, polish faucets, sweep and hand mop floors & baseboards.

All other rooms:
Dust everything: picture frames, knick-knacks, lamps, molding, window sills, ceiling fans, furniture & shelves.  Vacuum furniture & carpets.  Sweep & hand mop any hard flooring and baseboards.  Empty all garbages.

Extra services:
(upon request, included in hourly rate)
Dishes, laundry,  oven cleaning, kitchen cabinets, deep cleaning  (behind fridge, oven, washer, dryer), carpet cleaning, window cleaning, light fixtures, wall cleaning, draperies, garage cleaning, furnace filter changing, litter changing, de-cluttering, seasonal decorating.

Mow, edge, blow, sweep, pull weeds, rake leaves, trim hedges, shovel snow, yard debris removal, chain sawing, pruning.  Clean roof, downspout, gutters.

Christmas shopping?  Give the best gift you can, a clean house!  Gift certificates start at $20.