
Scrub & sanitize sink, counters & backsplashes.  Clean stove, oven, fridge, microwave inside and out, appliances, cabinets, table & chairs.  Sweep and hand mop floors & baseboards. 

Scrub & sanitize counters, sinks, tub, shower & toilet.  Clean mirrors, vanities & backsplashes, polish faucets, sweep and hand mop floors & baseboards.

All other rooms:
Dust everything: picture frames, knick-knacks, lamps, molding, window sills, ceiling fans, furniture & shelves.  Vacuum furniture & carpets.  Sweep & hand mop any hard flooring and baseboards.  Empty all garbages.

Extra services:
(upon request, included in hourly rate)
Dishes, laundry,  oven cleaning, kitchen cabinets, deep cleaning  (behind fridge, oven, washer, dryer), carpet cleaning, window cleaning, light fixtures, wall cleaning, draperies, garage cleaning, furnace filter changing, litter changing, de-cluttering, seasonal decorating.

Mow, edge, blow, sweep, pull weeds, rake leaves, trim hedges, shovel snow, yard debris removal, chain sawing, pruning.  Clean roof, downspout, gutters.

1 comment:

B-29 guy said...

This is so NEAT (as a pin)! Do you clean corners, not just cut them?